Online Program Materials

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    Welcome to the Course!

    • Welcome to the Course

    • More About Embody the Crystalline Matrix of Your Soul and The Peacemakers Mesa

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    Free BONUSES

    • BONUS AUDIO TEACHING: The Power and Purpose of Shamanic Journeying

    • BONUS AUDIO TEACHING: Embracing your Soul's True Calling in Times of Uncertainty

    • BONUS AUDIO TEACHING: Your Body is your Temple, Your Stories Fill It Up

    • Live in the Sacred Arms of the Mother Meditation

    • Solstice and New Years Ceremony

    • Quechua Prayer for Opening Sacred Space

    • A Q'ero Way to Open Sacred Space and the Mesa by Puma Fredy Singona Quispe

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    Basic Course Information and Zoom Links

    • How to Navigate these Online Program Materials

    • Zoom Class Session Link

    • The Tools of Shamanism: Mesa Cloths, Rattles, Stones, and More!

    • Community Forum

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    The First Pathway of the Initiate: Calling Forth the Goddess of the Dawn Star

    • Video Introduction to the First Pathway of the Initiate: The Goddess Crystal

    • Opening Sacred Space Prayers

    • The Cherokee Heart Chant Audio Teaching

    • The Cherokee Heart Chant Words and Meaning

    • The Mother Love-Light Crystal Meditation

    • Ceremony for Charging Your Nuestra (Goddess) Quartz Crystal

    • Activate the Crystalline Matrix Visualization and Meditation

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    The Second Pathway of the Initiate: Calling in the Spirits of the 4 Portals and the Animal Allies

    • Morning Affirmations and Quechua Prayers and Their Meaning

    • Introduction to the Second Pathway of the Initiate and the Animal Allies

    • The 4 Portals of the Directions and the 4 Earth Elements

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    The Third Pathway of the Initiate: Calling in the Apus (Mountain Spirits)

    • The 4 Temples and the 4 Goddess Rays in the Mother Love-Light Meditation

    • Explore your Connection to the Mountain Spirits

    • Speaking with the Apus: Forging Communion

    • Guided Audio Journey to Call in the Apus

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    The Fourth Pathway of the Initiate: Call Forth the 4 Star Goddesses of the Pleaides

    • Introduction to the Fourth Pathway and the Star Goddesses of the Pleiades

    • An Overview of the 7 Star Goddesses of the Pleiades

    • Ceremony to Call in a Star Goddess and her Sacred Ray